Why Anaerobic?
The principle of anaerobic treatment is the utilization of anaerobic bacteria (biomass) to convert organic pollutants or COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) into biogas in an oxygen free environment.
The COD is converted into Biogas, consisting of Methane (CH4) and CarbonDioxide (CO2). The technologies provide COD removal efficiencies typically ranging from > 70% - 99%. Anaerobic is at the heart as:
- Lowest operational costs;
- No to negligible waste production
- Net positive energy balance due to production of biogas
- Limited CAPEX
- Compact Design
- Limited footprint
- Odor free & Corrosion free
- Green & Sustainable
- Reduction of Carbon Footprint
- Bases for water re-use
- Bases for recovery of biogas
“Anaerobic technology is key in valorizing wastewater”

Organic Load as COD, is basically a measure of calorific value, for reference:
1 g of Sugar = 1 g COD
1 g of Fat Oil and Greases = 3 g COD
1 g of Protein = 1.4 g COD
The calorific value of 1 kg COD corresponds with 0,35 Nm3 CH4 ~ 3,8 kWh.
Anaerobic solutions applied in industry, produce biogas as a by-product, with a capacity ranging from 0.1 - 14 MW.
Biogas can be upgraded to Biomethane through MemGas technology
Our solutions are used across many sectors of industry including:
Biothane laboratories facilitate complete wastewater characterization, biodegradability testing, biomethane potential and complete full scale validation of Design.
Read more about our laboratory facilities.
Biothane’s technologies are found in a lot of plants around the world. Contact us for references related to your specific needs.
If you have any questions about our products and their application, please do not hesitate to contact us.